This is what i have to do, I can, I will make it!
You can not overcome me, or rather, my view of you can not win this battle. This is something I've tried to find the strength to, for a long time. And I think I have finally found it! I am strong, independent and strong willed! So this will not hold me down, this will not overcome me! I do not need you to complete me, I am a unique person. With or without you!
There is one thing that I have chosen to do. I need to do this for me, it's hard but it's the only way for me to get over it, and I want to do that so much! I will not tell you what it is about, at least one of you knows what it really is, and I am so grateful that you are there when I need you, I love you honey!
I have let this drag me down so deep, and so many times, and I have finally realized that it's not worth it at all if the only thing I get out of it are some nice moments, but nothing more, I only hurt myself, I will not do that anymore! I know that im the only person to blame for this, I am the person who put me in those situations. I really feel that I do not know myself around you. I can not understand, how something can change me so much, for the worse. That this could affect me so much is very frightening!
This has haunted me, day and night for a very long time now. I've felt good, I have felt terribly bad, and I have felt okay. Now it's time for me to really feel that I can and want to feel fantastic about myself, and my situation. I can't deny that it will be hard, or that I will miss it. I would, but I've realized that I have so much, I love what I have and I am truly happy for what I have been given, because it is really the best I ever had!
Love the life you live, live the life you love!
You are deleted, I'm done! Bye :)